‘Moving toward a sustainable society and economy’
This branch of the project will look to install, maintain and develop environmentally friendly systems and infrastructure within the rural and informal settlements of South-Africa & Lesotho.
Application of effective environmental technology:
Higher standard of living and feeding schemes
Safe and healthy environment
Sustainable environment
Human rights awareness campaign
Recycling business awareness
HIV/AIDS and STDs awareness
Rehabilitation and effect of mining companies to the environment progreme
‘Providing cultural and modern music development’
This branch of the project will look at developing a range of creative facilities and calendar of events to enable growth and recognition of local music and entertainment.
Creative conglomerate:
‘Creating an inclusive educational resource’
This branch will seek to develop national resource centre for education in sustainabledevelopment and creative skills. This will be achieved by extracting the educational resources from the core project and modules within, creating a resource with which to support applied learning and community development.
Educational resources:
‘Striving to deliver our learning to others’
The outreach branch will look at promoting the models, knowledge and skills gathered and using them to support development of other projects locally, regionally, nationally and globally.
Unemployment portal:
As South Africans celebrate Human Rights Day on March 21, we look at 15 rights every citizen must know.